February 23, 2020

Top Hamster Toys

Best Hamster Toys

Hamsters are one of the more unique pets that people often invite into their homes to become apart of their family. Hamsters aren't exactly like your traditional dog or cat. They often require a special living space like a cage and they usually like to play with toys throughout the day.

If you are a new hamster owner and are looking for some high-quality toys to offer to your pet hamster, then this buyer's guide will particularly come in handy. We are about to select five hamster toys that we have found on Amazon's marketplace. This platform is filled with pet accessories for every single type of pet. There are tons of hamster toys to choose from, but we have managed to select five of the most popular products in the entire industry.

Just like any other pet, hamsters will require exercise, food, water, and attention. Hamster toys can play a major role in their everyday health. We are about to transition to our review section, but before we do that, we are going to talk about some of the important factors that you should consider before finalizing your purchase.

Some of the important factors include price, safety, and reputation. You will want to find a hamster toy that is affordable for your budget. You will also only want to single out products that are completely safe for your hamster. One of the ways that you can ensure that the hamster toy is safe is by only purchasing products from a reputable brand with positive customer feedback. All of the listings that we are about to present meet these criteria, and they should ultimately make your product search a whole lot easier.

Top 5: Hamster Toys Review

Niteangel Wooden Ladder Bridge, Hamster Mouse Rat Rodents Toy, Small Animal Chew Toy, 9" L (1 Pack)

One of our favorite overall hamster toy selections is the Niteangel Wooden Ladder Bridge Hamster Toy. This unique bridge is designed to be inserted into a hamster cage to be apart of their living space. This natural wooden bridge is perfect for exploration and exercise for your pet hamster.

This wooden bridge is also perfectly safe for chewing. Your hamster can explore, hide, sleep, and chew on this natural wooden toy bridge. Customers can either purchase a single bridge or a pack of two from the product page.

The affordable price has also played with existing customers who have had positive experiences with this hamster toy bridge. If you are looking for a cost-effective toy to place into your hamster's cage, then this might be the perfect affordable selection for you.


  • Affordable Price Range.
  • Ideal for Hamster Exercise, Exploration, and More.
  • Safe for Chewing.


  • Not Ideal for Small Hamster Cages.
  • Only One Size Option is Available.
ZALALOVA Hamster Chew Toys, 10Pack MSDS Approved Natural Wooden Pine Guinea Pigs Rats Chinchillas Toys Accessories Dumbells Exercise Bell Roller Teeth Care Molar Toy for Bunny Rabbits

These ZALALOVA Hamster Chew Toys include a complete pack of ten accessories that your hamster can enjoy playing with. There are ladders, seesaws, jump toys, and a whole lot more for your hamster to explore. Many of these toys are specifically designed to be chewed on. Your hamster can hide, play, explore, and chew on just about every single toy in this pack from ZALALOVA.

For an extremely reasonable price, you can fill your hamster cage with nearly a dozen new accessories and toys. There are already hundreds of positive customer ratings because of the impressive design quality for these toys.


  • Complete Pack of 10 Toys for Hamsters.
  • Safe for Chewing (Natural and Non-Toxic).
  • Extremely Cost-Effective Toy Bundle.


  • Extremely Small Toy Sizes.
JanYoo Rat Chinchilla Toys Guinea Pig Accessories Bunny Chew Toys for Christmas Rabbits Hamster Gerbil Pack of 7

The JanYoo Hamster Toy Bundle is our third product recommendation because it provides great value to pet owners who are looking to enhance their hamster's living experience. This pack includes seven unique accessories and toys that your hamster will love. Everything is crafted with natural non-toxic wooden materials to ensure the maximum level of safety is achieved.

This might be a great selection for people who want to fill up their hamster cage with exciting activities. There are two different bundles of seven to choose from on the product page. Customers can select their preferred bundle before finalizing their purchase.


  • Two Toy Bundle Options are Available.
  • Extremely Cost-Effective.
  • Crafted with Natural & Non-Toxic Materials.


  • Slightly Expensive Price Range.
Niteangel Small Pet Fun Tunnel, 39 x 4 inches - Fit Adult Ferrets and Rats (Blue)

Our fourth product recommendation will focus on the Niteangel Small Pet Fun Tunnel. This is a great toy to place into your hamster's cage because it promotes exploration and exercise. Your hamster will enjoy slipping through the tunnel tube every single day. There are four color options available to choose from on the product page. These color selections include blue, green, pink, and purple.

This toy tunnel is crafted with safe materials. The main design material that is used with this tunnel is stain-resistant plastic. Customers will also enjoy the fact that it is extremely cost-effective and affordable. Most customers have not had an issue with this toy, and nearly every existing customer that has left a review has had a positive experience with this toy.


  • Outstanding Customer Feedback.
  • Multiple Color Options to Choose From.
  • Extremely Durable Stain-Resistant Plastic Material.


  • Not Ideal for Large Hamsters.
BWOGUE Pet Small Animal Hideout Hamster House Deluxe Two Layers Wooden Hut Play Toys Chews

Our final product to review within this post is the BWOGUE Pet Small Animal Hideout. This unique hamster accessory is a great addition to a large hamster cage. Your pet hamsters will want to immediately visit this animal hideout and explore the interior.

All hamsters haven natural chewing instincts and this unique animal hideout toy promotes nesting and chewing. The wooden material is non-toxic and allows hamsters to bite and chew at their very own discretion. Customers also won't have to worry about breaking the bank, because this is one of the most affordable hamster toys on the market.


  • Affordable Price Range.
  • Promotes Exploration, Nesting, and Chewing.
  • Built with Non-Toxic Materials.


  • Only One Size Option is Available.
  • Not Suitable for Small Cages.

Buying Guide

We are nearing the end of this product review, but we should briefly discuss everything that we have covered. We have looked at five unique hamster toys that promote positive healthy properties for your hamster. Most of these toys are affordable and durable. You should visit the product pages and read through customer feedback to gain additional insight into each selection.

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of toys do hamsters like to play with?

Every single toy that we have reviewed within this buyer's guide is a little bit different from each other. Hamsters have personal instincts that relate to chewing, hiding, and exploring. We purposely selected affordable toys that match these properties to ensure that your hamster receives toys and accessories that are entertaining and safe.

Do hamsters get bored in their cage?

If you own a hamster, you want to make sure that it has the best quality of life. Is it possible for hamsters to get bored the same way humans do? What effect does boredom have on a hamster?

Hamsters can get bored, although their boredom is different from a human's usual boredom. Keeping a hamster in a cage won't inherently make it stressed. But a hamster will become stressed and sad if the habitat isn't right for them. That can mean that it's dirty, too loud and overwhelming, too small, or doesn't have enough toys.

If the cage for your hamster is bare and small, it'll be much more likely to get bored.

The minimum size for a single hamster's cage is 24 by 12 inches, or 2 by 1 feet. It should also be about 1 foot tall. Keep in mind that this is the minimum. Hamsters like having more room to roam. The bigger the cage, the better.

The cage needs a minimum amount of bedding. But it also needs a place for your hamster to hide. Hamsters like to nest in hidden spaces, and a hideout gives your hamster shelter when it's feeling overwhelmed.

The cage must also have a food bowl, water bottle, and exercise wheel. Exercise wheels are essential because your hamster spends half of its time running. If your hamster isn't allowed to run, it will suffer pent-up energy.

Toys are the best way that you can distract your hamster and keep it happy. You can also distract your hamster by giving it time outside the cage inside an exercise ball. In addition, your hamster's cage should be kept clean, which means that you should clean it fully once per week.

How does a hamster spend its typical day?

Hamsters spend the majority of their time sleeping in their nest. They'll typically create a nest in the most sheltered corner of the cage, which may or may not be in the hideaway. They are nocturnal animals, so when evening begins to fall, the hamster will come out and look for food.

Experts recommend waiting until your hamster is awake to feed them. Otherwise, the sound of food might wake them up, which can make them grumpy.

After your hamster has eaten, it will hide its food in the nest. Hamsters tend to hoard large food stores.

When that's done, your hamster will spend the majority of the night running around the cage. Many hamsters spend most of their time on the wheel. Hamsters can actually run up to 5.5 miles every night! By the morning, they'll be dozing off in their nest again.

Occasionally, hamsters will pause in their running and sit up with their eyes wide open. This is their way of checking to see whether there are any sounds of danger in the environment.

During these periods of wakefulness, a hamster will use their toys, run around their tunnels, and chew on everything in the cage. That includes their hideout. Because of this, many experts recommend getting a wooden hideout.

Hamsters who live in the wild do many of these same activities. However, they spend a lot more energy on listening for predators. Being constantly alert for predators can make hamsters very shy and skittish.

How can I tell if my hamster is unhappy?

There are plenty of things that can make your hamster either happy or unhappy. Different hamsters get pleasure from different activities, though they all tend to like running and burrowing. Some hamsters like to be handled by humans while others prefer to hide in burrows.

The most common reason for hamsters to be unhappy is if they're kept in a cage that's too small. Hamsters need space to roam around, and the bigger the cage is, the better. If their cage is too small, they'll get upset and anxious.

Unhappy hamsters may bite their cage. A happy hamster won't typically chew on their cage, since metal isn't great for their jaws. But if the hamster is biting the bars and trying to escape, the cage is constraining them.

Lethargic hamsters are also often unhappy. When your hamster doesn't do anything except sleep, eat, drink, and more sleep, that signals that they're depressed. Happy hamsters like to explore, move around, use their wheel, and overall find ways to expend their energy.

Another sign of an unhappy hamster is a hamster that climbs their cage. Do you often find your hamster hanging from the top of its cage or clinging to the bars? That indicates that the cage is too small, and that the hamster is bored.

Hamsters will normally groom themselves, as that's how they get clean. But if you notice that your hamster is grooming excessively, there may be a skin issue. Some common skin problems include:

  • Allergic reactions
  • Mites
  • Dirty fur
  • Parasites
  • Dry skin

Hamsters might also pace their cages in an agitated, repetitive way. You don't want to see your hamster engaged in repetitive behaviors, as this is a sign of stress. Instead, a happy hamster will run around and explore at random.

Aggressive hamsters are also an indication that something is wrong. If your hamster bites or otherwise acts aggressively toward you when you handle it, it might be unhappy with its environment or dealing with a health issue.

What should I do before I clean a hamster cage?

It's important to do regular maintenance and cleaning of your hamster's cage. If the cage becomes too dirty, your hamster will generally be unhappy. On top of this, dirty cages can lead to serious health issues for your pet.

The first step is to prepare for the task. Give the cage a thorough examination so you know what needs to be cleaned. Cleaning the cage too often can make your hamster stressed, which means you have to be certain that the cage is ready for cleaning.

Spot cleaning can be done every day. To spot clean, do the following:

  • Look for wetness and droppings in the bedding, and remove any spots. If there are lots of problem areas, it may be time to change the bedding.
  • Remove leftover pieces of food that have been left scattered around the environment.
  • Do daily changing of the water. Make sure that the bedding near the water dispenser hasn't gotten soaked.
  • Check to see whether the walls have gotten smudged or dirty. This indicates that it's time for full cleaning.
  • A smelly cage needs a full cleaning. Poor air quality can make your hamster ill.

Prior to a full cleaning, it helps to gather up all the supplies you'll need. This makes the process faster and less stressful. These are the materials you should have on hand:

  • Baby wipes or a wash cloth to scrub the cage
  • Disinfectant like antibacterial hand soap (no harsh chemicals!)
  • New bedding to replace the old bedding - make sure you keep about a third of the old bedding

It's important to keep some of the old bedding because that has your hamster's scent on it. Changing out the bedding entirely will cause your hamster stress. It's also important to use soap that doesn't have harsh chemicals. Chemicals like bleach can be seriously harmful to a hamster.

You'll have to remove the hamster so that you can clean the cage. Put your hamster in a safe enclosure like a second cage or an exercise ball. Make sure that you don't leave a hamster in an exercise ball for more than half an hour, since they need fresh air.

Remove every object in the cage. If you leave anything inside the cage, it will be harder to clean. Objects include toys, exercise equipment, water bowls, food bowls, and food dispensers.

The last preparation step is to discard the old bedding. Bedding is where hamsters leave their waste. This can cause strong fumes of ammonia, which can in turn cause respiratory issues for the hamster. Mixing some dry bedding with the new bedding will reduce the hamster's stress.

It's a good idea to seal the discarded bedding inside its own waste bag, unless you're taking the trash out right away. That helps keep the smells from permeating your home.

How should I clean a hamster cage?

A full cage cleaning is a very thorough process. But once you've gotten practice, it's easy to do efficiently.

Start by washing all of the objects inside the cage. That goes even for objects that don't look dirty. Clean the toys, water bowls, food bowls, exercise station, hideout, and anything else inside the cage. This helps keep the cage fresh.

Spray the items with your soapy solution so they're disinfected. Then clean the items with your washcloth. Pay special attention to hard-to-reach areas and corners.

The next step is to clean the actual cage. Disinfect and wipe down every surface. Different cages are constructed in different ways, but you can generally follow these steps:

  • Scrub the cage down using your disinfecting solution
  • Vigorously scrub or scrape away any bedding that's stuck to the walls
  • Soak any "problem areas" to help break up old bedding for easier removal
  • Clean every bar in a mesh or wire cage
  • Clean every corner and surface in an aquarium-style cage

Once that's done, it's time to dry the cage and all of the objects. If you add bedding to the cage before the surfaces are dry, the bedding might get wet. This will make you have to clean the cage again sooner.

You can leave the cage in sunlight if you want it to air dry. If you want the process to go faster, you can also towel the surfaces, bars, and objects dry.

Now it's time to reassemble the cage. Follow these steps:

  • First and foremost, put clean and fresh bedding inside
  • Put exercise equipment and toys back inside on top of the new bedding
  • Add fresh water and food to the dispensers and put them in the cage
  • Put your hamster back in the cage

A full cleaning can sometimes be disorienting for a hamster. You'll need to give it time to relax and adjust to the new environment. Don't interact with it again for another few hours.

Once you've finished cleaning the cage, schedule the next cleaning by marking next week's date in your calendar. A full cage cleaning should happen once per week, and it's helpful if it occurs at around the same time every day.

What should a hamster eat?

Many people are surprised to learn that hamsters are omnivores. Unlike a lot of other small pets, they eat a combination of plants and meat. Their meaty protein typically comes from insects. An ideal hamster diet has a combination of vegetables and protein, similar to what they'd find in the wild.

The following components are necessary to a great hamster diet:

  • Commercial pellets designed specifically for hamsters, which are available in pet shops
  • Small portions of fresh vegetables, herbs, and fruits
  • Timothy hay, a variety of hay that's filled with fiber
  • Treats like mealworms, bits of boiled egg, or nuts

Hamsters also need constant access to fresh water. Their cage should have a water bottle attached that includes a metal spout to drink from.

You can also play games with your hamster at mealtime. If you want to simulate what it's like in the wild, you can scatter their food around the cage instead of putting it all in the food bowl. This also helps if you have multiple hamsters, but one is territorial of the food dish.

You can hide treats, food pellets, or hay inside cardboard tubes, boxes, tunnels, and other hiding spots in the tunnel. This gives your hamster a chance to search for their food rather than having it handed to them. They also tend to enjoy gnawing on whatever packaging you hide the food inside.

Do hamsters like being held?

Hamsters can be very timid animals, and they're very small. Some hamsters are okay with being handled, but others dislike it enough that they will bite. Every hamster is different, so whether they like being held depends on their personality. It also depends on how much the hamster trusts you individually.

It's important to bond with a hamster before you pick them up. That helps them to have a positive association with you. If you pick them up before you've gained their trust, they're more likely to become stressed and afraid of you.

Hamsters are naturally timid. This means that they might be frightened or nervous when you hold them for the first time. In fact, you can expect it to take several times before your hamster relaxes. But you can train hamsters to be held.

You must keep in mind that a hamster is a prey animal. This means that being randomly picked up is a scary experience, since your hamster will see you as a predator. A hamster that's picked up at random is likely to panic and bite.

Some hamsters like being held for long periods of time. Others have a much lower tolerance before they will want you to put them back down. If you don't comply, they may get nippy.

It's possible that your hamster will never be fully comfortable with being held. With that said, you can bond with them in other ways.

If you know the correct way to hold a hamster, you're much more likely to tame it. Doing this also helps prevent you from getting bitten. The easiest technique is cupping both hands underneath the hamster and lifting it up. Keep your hands cupped like a cave. This prevents the hamster from jumping, falling, or getting injured.

Once your hamster is in your hands, the next step is to hold it close to your lap or chest. This helps your hamster to feel safer. It also helps to let your hamster peek over your hands so they can see what's happening around them. Being enclosed is likely to make a hamster more anxious.

Whenever you handle your hamster, it's important to sit down near the ground. That way, if your hamster suddenly leaps out of your hands or accidentally falls, it won't get injured.

For people who have just gotten hamsters for the first time, it's best to wait before you handle them. Give the hamster a few weeks to get used to you. Once they know that you're not a threat, then you can begin gently handling them.

Let them smell you as you give them food. They'll then associate you with food and become used to your scent.

Final Verdict

You can now begin considering your options and start narrowing down your selections. The pros and cons of each review might help you with your selection process as well. There are so many factors to consider before finalizing your purchase, but now that you have all of this additional information, you should be prepared to make your final selection.

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